Yeah right, you're real just like Laguna Beach
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Hey! Im Marcus
and i wished that my lawn and grass was emo so that it'll cut itself, i like skating, baseball, singing, gaming and guitar/bass. I cannot live without my friends, my loved ones and my band Coup Fatal(You can check us out on the link below, new songs gonna be up soon!). So welcome to my blog and hear me emo bitch or write about the happy moments in life.
Leave me a delightful message at the tag-board yeah? :D
Christmas time for Marcus all year round!

You have my attention
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingTina Yuzuki, I love you!

The infatuation is always there
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Say anything

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| Naomi | | Natasha | | Holly | | Emily | | Melissa | | Melody | | Nico | | Nicole Wong | | Jonathan | | Weiny | | Deborah | | Stephanie | | Justin | | Ryan Wong | | Natalie | | Judith | | Chanel | | Joanna Jo | | Monique | | Apple | | Nicole Tan | | Matthew | | Hazlan | | Donn | | | | | | My Other Blog |

Drive away with a click
Coup Fatal Coup Fatal Purevolume A Vacant Affair Set For Glory Friday Clothing
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Special credits
Design&Layout bysinkingSAND
Reference byli0nheart
Flash byGuyFlash

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear Blog,
hello!, haha, anyway ryan, JL and i started skating again! yay! it felt so great, yeah, we got together as a band becos of skating, that was like last year? the three of us was lying on our deck at some carpark rooftop, then jonathan started talking abt music and stuff and we noticed that all of us were musicians and yeah, we started out as a band and a month or two after that we started playing at gigs it felt so superb yeah and ohh yeah i was skating to JL's place today and i spotted this place, some flat on fire, yeah.. it was kindda scary though as the fire was big, anyway i gtg byee

Listen to LastPageFirst; Song : Pretender

&come;SNOW, COME!
1:39 AM

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear Blog,
hey there, woh, its already october,time flies yeah.. anyway i think its better to have nightmares rather than getting sweet dreams, cos whenever you wake up from this particular dream its like you've lost everything you got from that dream and waking up from a nightmare feels great cos you would feel relieved after that yeah, hmm. anyway tmr's chanel's fashion show yeah im going, most probably with noel, bryan and sam, hey guess what? Jonathan Lim wants the band to play Thursday? =P easy stuff hehe. Kidding, by the way i checked out Great romances of the 20th century's tabs it sounded really nice yeah, nice guitar riffs. okok i gtg byee haha

Listen to Senses Fail; Song : Tie Her Down

&come;SNOW, COME!
11:47 PM

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear Blog,
Yo, ;) LOL! ytd's gig was good, i thought that this band which played Always You by amber pacific was rather good just that the vocals wasnt really nice but the guitars were great, i think many bands have a problem with adjusting to the volume that they're playing and they must have the feel while playing on stage, so that it would be entertaing cos i felt that some bands was boring yesterday, and i was wondering how they got the Always You tabs and Gone So Young tabs anyway Caracal was good but Martin was playing the drums slightly too loud so yeah, AND my drummer Jon Lim is as good as martin in drums! =P haha.. yeah, Holly,Cheryl,Some Chick, Daniel, Joey , Avery , Kenneth and Keith was there tooo. and ohh yeah Justin and emu, ANYWAY i love watching Fairly Oddparents and The Simpsons during the weeekdays, FOP starts at 7pm on nickelodeon and The Simpsons starts at 6 on Starworld and by the way byee! i gtg take care

Listen to Melee; Song : The War

&come;SNOW, COME!
6:16 AM

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear Blog,
hey hi, hmm.. anyway, i like this girl yeah, my first crush i mean a real crush, Its like.. Not meeting her for at least twice a week makes feel so dreadful
she's very much different from other girls and there is just something so special abt that i can't use words to describe my <3 for her yeah.. im not that type of err.. confessing my love type heh. I am somehow trying my best to like stop liking her cos i know its impossible between us so.. yeah, but most probably i wouldnt like any other girl after that, so yeah.. I wanna be with her 'All Night Always'< -- always by blink LOL anyway im bored so yeah, Its like she's so unique, yeah, and people would say love is making the person you love happy yeah and i know i can never make her happy if i was together with her, she's great, even though she's really cute but she doesnt think that she's cute unlike other girls, wanna know who she is? ask me! =P haha! anyway im plugged into this two awesome bands Nada Surf and Melee okok i gtg byee

Quote Of the Day - Have an apple a day to keep the doctor away

&come;SNOW, COME!
12:36 AM

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear Blog,
yo what's up dawg? anyway, im sad ok byee

Listen to Malice Mizer, Song : Syni Kiss

Note: Gackt's voice in this song is like WOW haha, ok byee

&come;SNOW, COME!
4:32 AM

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear Blog,
hey there, its been ages since i came online so yeah.. whats up? anyway i wanted to ignore keith for only a weeek, but he found out abt my blog, yeah im sorry man.. i like to sing with my younger brother songs like Number Five With A Bullet by tbs and some Jrock songs, yeah. having a sibling rock, Anyway i just bought this Strawberry Toothpaste for kids! oh yeah! it was so tasty and sweet. yeah its coral, ohh i was talking to justin last week in the canteen and i was wondering how the lead vocals of amber pacific sang the 1st verse in Gone So Young then i stuffed rice in my mouth and i sang Gone So Young Haha! it was so funny and i just bought macbeth shoes haha, ok bbyee!

Quote of the day - A friend is someone who knows the song of ur heart

&come;SNOW, COME!
9:50 PM

{ Cast a letter for the month
Dear blog,
haha, sam and i don't look like Santa Claus but act like Santa Claus, yep, we're getting presents for all our friends! yep! but it was really blur of me.. damn, i wanted to send the msges to sam the stuff to get for our frens but instead i sent it to my frens! yeah, no longer surprise, first, SOORYA! i came up with a idea of getting him a red packet but it contains this paper with $10000000 written on it and the smiles of sam and i faces imprinted on it HAHA! he was kindda pissed though yeah, after that i was really blur again! i accidentally sent the msg abt getting that atticus t shirt frm image for holly, i wanted to send it to sam to HOLLY, yeah. awww... damn, so i was more careful after that i guess this is reason why i can't get an A1 for maths, carelessness, BUT there would this present containing chicken bones specially for someone! guess! haha, ok, like what "Willy Wonka said the best prize is a surPRIZE" alright! i think im good at estimating what time it is yeah, anyway, my mum is forcing me to learn Japanese so its easier to communicate with grandma, ohh btw i check out MTV a week ago and there was this cute artiste,JEM! yeah, she's really good in singing yup, haha check out the song Take A Ride yeah,
and Im totally addicted to I can make a mess like nobody's business, they're really good in acoustics. ok byee

Listen to I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business, Song : The Best Happiness Money Can Buy

&come;SNOW, COME!
5:34 AM